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Survey Voices-Work From Home

Survey Voices-Work From Home

What is Survey Voices?

Survey Voices looks like a paid survey site, however… what they actually do is connect you to other survey sites and free offers, similar to Survey Compare and Panel Payday. They themselves are not an online survey site or a market research company.  

Headquartered in White Plains New York, Survey Voices is owned by Reward Zone USA which was founded in 2011 by Matthew Conlin. Reward Zone also owns Flash Rewards and Rewards Giant.

Like other survey “brokers”, they are on a growing list of sites that have an unfortunate reputation for sending people to scam offers like free iPhones and gift cards, then collecting your personal information in the process.  

How Does It Work?

Signing up is simple, but they do ask for your address and phone number.

Survey Voices

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